Fingerprinting Systems have been at the crux of debate issues over the past several months. Many feel the use of a finger or thumbprint in order to classify our children as 'present' or 'absent' in homeroom, or having returned their library book, or as payment for their school lunch is just that - debatable.
But would anyone ever say that assembling an ID packet of our children's information, fingerprints included, to have on hand in case, Lord help us, we ever needed to supply police and local authorities with them, is debatable?
Not us. That is why we believe whole-heartedly that this technology, that has become so mainstreamed, should be utilized to the best of its capacities. And when you get right down to it, keeping our children safe in today's world of unknowns and even worse is a top priority.
Hunter Systems Group recently began the SAFEChild Initiative, using its state-of-the-art biometric fingerprinting system to create portable ID cards for parents and caregivers to carry with them. The card has an up-to-date photo, fingerprints, and the child's physical attributes. In addition, Hunter Systems Group provides a USB drive with all of the same information, making quick dissemination of the data possible in the case of an Amber Alert situation. Police tell us that time is of the utmost importance in these scenarios.
It's a hard fact to wrap our heads around, but more than 800,000 children are reported missing each year. And we know that it is better to be prepared with information and especially an up-to-date photograph in order to expedite a public announcement for help. Working within the public safety and law enforcement industry for the past 15 years, we have been able to capitalize on our proven technologies and apply them to a very specific and crucial part of public safety by introducing this new initiative: the wellbeing of our children.
Our products and systems, such as facial recognition technologies and biometric ID platforms have been used to identify and apprehend wrongdoers for those years - with great success. Now we aim to apply these capabilities to an even more rewarding market segment- the young and the innocent.
Our system is available for lease or purchase. Not that you could ever put a figure on the peace of mind it offers. Contact us today or leave a comment below to find out more.
Amber Alert image courtesy of